Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Marg Kronfeld - Health Benefits of Skiing

Marg Kronfeld is an avid skier who likes to explore new slopes from time to time. She pursues the sport for two main reasons. For starters, it is an extremely fun activity that can be enjoyed by a wide variety of people, regardless of sex, age and skill level. In addition to this, skiing is good for one’s health.

Bone and Joint Health

Skiing requires the body to move in ways that promote a lot of natural movements. The bending of the knees, the leaning, the direction changes, they all promote the goal of having a better looking and healthier body. When the bones and joints are under pressure, they react by getting stronger. Some forms of exercising are known for their effect of strengthening the bones, muscles and joints, and skiing is definitely one of them.

Cardiovascular Exercise

People who don’t ski often think that it doesn’t require too much endurance. The lift takes skiers to their position, and from that point they only have to rely on the power of gravity, right? Wrong. Skiing is actually a very demanding exercise from a cardiovascular standpoint. As an aerobic, endurance exercise that demands quite a lot from every individual, skiing is one of the healthiest and most effective forms of movement.

Balance and Core Strength 

Where skiing trumps almost any other sport barring targeted resistance training, is its ability to strengthen the core muscles and therefore improve the balance. People who ski constantly have to work hard to maintain their balance, using all the little fibers that are responsible for keeping them in check, including the core muscles.

Marg Kronfeld enjoys skiing and has quite a bit of experience on steeper slopes as well.


Friday, 21 October 2016

Marg Kronfeld - How to Start Living a Healthier Life

Marg Kronfeld is a physically active company director and businesswoman who coaches netball and loves skiing. Eating healthy and exercising are very important for her, as are regular checkups and mental disciplines such as relaxation or yoga, which is part physical, part spiritual. 

Start with a Clean Slate
Those who want to change their life and follow a healthier path first must assess the damage that has been done. Very few people like to go to the doctor, but before one would start a new physical and dietary routine, it is a very good idea to check everything else first. After a dentist and a doctor appointment, the next step is to measure ourselves. At the very least, one’s girth and weight should be recorder, but those who really want to take it to another level, can actually measure their body fat percentage as well. 

Going Over One’s Physical Activities
Do you exercise? How active are you throughout the day? It’s important to answer these questions truthfully, and if the answer is a resounding “no,” or even “not much,” a new training regimen is probably long due. 

No health revolution can be successful without a dietary change, and there is a good reason for that. Those who have their diet checked both from a quality and quantity angle, rarely need a health revolution. Caloric and carb restriction and an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption are usually very efficient first steps. 

Marg Kronfeld is a health-conscious professional who regularly exercises and rarely eats processed foods. 


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Marg Kronfeld - The Importance of Staff Development

Marg Kronfeld is a company director who knows just how important it is to have a capable staff whose members are on the same page. Any company that enjoys the benefits of proper team effort and a positive work environment can achieve great things, and staff development plays a big part in that. Training offers numerous benefits, but most of all it expands the collective knowledge of the company’s employees. The end goal is always to make the company better as a whole.
Don’t Ignore Weaknesses
There are no perfect employees. Every professional, no matter how good they are at what they do, has one or more qualities that they could work on. When we are talking about workplace skills, that’s even more prevalent. The right development program can help company leaders identify and address those weaknesses, with the result that the whole team gets better for it. Another positive outcome is identifying those who require help to finish even the most basic tasks. If there are such employees in your company, a development program helps you identify them.
Trained Employees Perform Better
Those who receive training usually get better at their job, becoming more productive and accomplishing their tasks faster -- it is really that simple. Once they are able to perform certain tasks at a higher level, their confidence level goes up, which is another aspect of training that the company can benefit from. Confident workers are more creative, and creative people usually have the courage to think outside the box and come up with ideas that they otherwise would not have thought of.
In any case, training helps the company’s leaders create a work environment where employees have a better understanding of what is expected of them, and thanks to their improved skills, they become better at accomplishing those goals.
Better Consistency and Happier Employees
A structured development program helps employees build a consistent base of knowledge they can rely on. These initiatives are also excellent for reinforcing the company goals and the expectations the leadership has of their employees. The same employees – when they get access to training – get a reaffirmation that the company uses its resources to develop their professional skills, which means that they are valuable employees. When trained employees face challenges where they can prove themselves, they are more likely to be satisfied with their roles and functions, as well as their place within the company’s professional hierarchy.
Marg Kronfeld had her fair share of company trainings throughout the years, and as a natural born leader, she always made sure that everybody understood why the training took place, what they hoped to accomplish with it, and how her colleagues could benefit from the experience.